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about us
The Lumber River Council of Governments (LRCOG) or "Region N" is a regional planning and service agency representing 36 local governments in Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland Counties. Authorized under North Carolina General Statute 16-A(477-484), the LRCOG was formed in 1972 by representatives from Bladen, Hoke, Robeson and Scotland Counties. Richmond County became a member in 2000.
The purpose of the LRCOG is to assist its local government members with issues they deem appropriate. The LRCOG serves as a planner/administrator for a number of federal administrative programs dealing with older adults, worker training and transportation planning. The LRCOG is also a direct service agency for several programs such as older adult nutrition, caregiver resources, housing rehabilitation and focused worker training initiatives.
The LRCOG also serves as a local and regional planning arm for its membership. The agency provides technical assistance and planning services such as grant writing and administration, ordinance writing, census data analysis and studies. The agency is also the facilitator/planner for a number of regional initiatives addressing water resources and infrastructure.
The LRCOG is one of 16 Regional Councils covering North Carolina. All Regional Councils serve as Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and provide planning resources. Other services provided by Regional Councils include transportation planning, workforce development, water resources planning and economic development.
The North Carolina Regional Councils maintain their own website which details information on membership, legislative goals, a statewide calendar of events and news on the Joint Regional Forum.

“In its dedication to regional excellence, the Lumber River Council of Governments is proactive in identifying local and regional needs and the resources to address those needs in an effective and fair manner.”
Dedicated to Excellence
Proactive in Identifying Local and Regional Needs
Effective and Fair Solutions
We serve the counties and municipalities of Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland as shown on the map below.

The LRCOG provides an array of programs and services to the member governments located within its region which includes the counties of Bladen, Hoke, Richmond, Robeson and Scotland, along with 36 municipalities within these counties. The LRCOG serves as an administrative and service delivery arm for federal, state, regional, and local programs of its member governments. Click here for a list of the current member governments by county and a connection to their website when they are available.
The LRCOG is governed by a Board of Directors which is comprised of local elected officials (County Commissioners, Mayors, and Town Council Members) from its member governments.