Administration on Aging, AoA provides funding support to states under Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Services (Title IIID) to empower older adults to take control of their health. In these programs, seniors learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle through increased self-efficacy and self-management behaviors.
These classes are provided to older adults:
In their own communities.
In familiar non-clinical settings, such as community centers.
In peer learning groups which provide support, socialization and reinforcement of positive health behavior changes.
The target population of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention services are persons 60 years of age and older. Primary caregivers of eligible older persons are eligible for educational services. Special emphasis should be placed on serving those individuals who have the greatest economic and social need for services, including providing services to low income, minority individuals, those who are at increased risk of health impairment, and/or disparities, those who do not have access to other preventive, and health maintenance services, and older individuals residing in rural areas.
Call to see what classes may be offered in your county.