Lumber River
Development Board
The Lumber River Workforce Development Region will be a destination that retains and attracts competitive employers as a result of workers that are highly skilled, adaptable and educated.
The Lumber River Workforce Development Board will work with its partners to develop a region that has an innovative, relevant, effective and efficient workforce development system that develops a work-ready, adaptable and skilled workforce to meet the current and future needs of employers to improve and sustain economic prosperity in the region.

Board Responsibilities
Developing a strategic, integrated plan that supports economic growth and labor force needs intended to grow the capacity and performance of the workforce system
Oversight of the local service delivery system: NCWorks Career Center
Collaborate with all workforce development partners and employers to improve the quality of the region’s workforce
Plan and administer the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Acts (WIOA) funds and other workforce development activities
WDB Affiliation
Private sector participation and leadership are important elements to the success of the board; therefore, the Chairperson and the majority of board members represent the private sector. In all, Board membership includes individuals representing business and industry, economic development agencies, community-based organizations, education, organized labor, and more.
We can help you identify effective solutions in meeting your workforce training and development needs. Please contact us to request additional information or to find out how you can become involved.
WDB Staff
​Alice Williams
(910) 775-9763
Workforce Development Services Director