Money Follows the Person is a state wide demonstration project that assists Medicaid-eligible North Carolinians who live in inpatient facilities to move into their own homes and communities with supports.
The program can include:
MFP is a state wide demonstration project that assists people who live in inpatient facilities to move into their own communities with supports.
The Project’s intent is to support North Carolinians to have greater choice about where they receive their long-term supports.
The Project also helps identify and address barriers to receiving quality, community-based, long-term care and supports.
The Project is funded by Medicaid dollars through a partnership between North Carolina’s Division of Medical Assistance and the federal agency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Our four objectives are to:
Increase the use of home and community based services (HCBS) and reduce the use of institutionally based services;
Eliminate barriers and mechanisms in state law, state Medicaid plans, or state budgets that prevent or restrict the flexible use of Medicaid funds to enable Medicaid-eligible individuals to receive long-term care in the settings of their choice;
Strengthen the ability of Medicaid programs to assure continued provision of HCBS to those individuals who choose to transition from institutions; and,
Ensure that procedures are in place to provide quality assurance and continuous quality improvement of HCBS.
Community-Based Funding for Supports
MFP participants receive personal supports and other services through Medicaid’s Community Alternatives Program (CAP) or the PACE Program.
Transition “Start Up” Funding
Each participant may be eligible for up to $3,000 in order to secure items and services needed to transition. These include: security deposits, utility startup expenses, furniture, accessibility modifications or other one-time items and services that may be required to transition.
More Options in Long-Term Support
Participation in this Project is completely voluntary. The Project simply provides eligible residents of inpatient facilities an option to receive supports and services in their communities.
In order for a person to qualify for the Project, the person must:
Have lived in a hospital, skilled nursing facility or an intermediate care facility for people with developmental disabilities for at least three months and
Meet the CAP or the PACE Program eligibility requirements; and
Be receiving Medicaid services before the transition; and
Choose to move to a “qualified residence.”
A “qualified residence” is:
a person’s own home
a person’s family’s home
a person’s own apartment
a group home with four or fewer people*.
*in North Carolina this option is only available under CAP MR/DD
The Project is not active in every part of the state and certain restrictions apply to the
three month timeframe and what constitutes a “qualified residence.”
For more information and application contact:
(855) 761-9030 or www2.ncdhhs.gov/dma/moneyfollows
Local Contact Agency | (Bladen/Hoke/Richmond/Robeson/ScotlandCounties)
For More information:
Lumber River Council of Governments
Area Agency on Aging