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Image by Erik Mclean

Housing, Home Repair & Improvement

The Housing Repair and Home Improvement Program can assist older adults with needed minor home repairs or modifications to improve the living conditions and functional accessibility of the home. With the help of volunteers, the repairs and modifications are for eligible low and moderate income older adults to ensure their livability and safety so they can remain in their homes.

Leaky Sink Drain Pipe
  • minor floor, ceiling, or wall repairs​

  • new door handles or deadbolt locks, fire detectors, CO2 detectors, emergency alert detectors

  • repair or replacement of doors and windows (limited funds available)

  • leaking faucets, pipes or toilet

  • shingle patching or flashing sealing

  • replacement or draining of hot water heaters

  • minor repairs to heating and air units

  • building of ramps, new steps, hand railings and grab bars

  • replacement of appliances that no longer work

The program can include:
Digital Stove

Housing and Home Improvement services are for adults 60 years of age or older who are unable to pay for the needed repairs. There is a waiting list and priority will be given to low income disabled adults in greatest need.


The program provides information for older adults and families to become better educated about available housing resources and funding that may be utilized to improve their housing quality (grants, loans, weatherization and refinancing programs).


Minor home repair does not include replacing roofs or installing new heating and air systems. Home modifications can include widening doorways, installing grab bars or building wheelchair ramps but funds are limited per household and may not be able to cover all of the work needed. All repairs must fall under the threshold of funding allowed per year and services cannot be repeated within a three year period. Services are performed by local volunteers willing to donate their time and skills and some work may have a longer waiting list than others.

For More information or
to make an application for services Contact:

Lumber River Council of Governments

Area Agency on Aging

Donna​ Wright

Aging Specialist

(910) 775-9759

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